Are you living a life devoid of challenges? Well then let me give you a recommendation to spice things up a little: try doing a photo shoot with a hyperactive 2-year-old.
Now Tifini herself, and her older daughter, could not have been easier to work with. The older daughter especially; she was a little ham. If anything, the challenge with her was to get her to STOP posing.
But the younger daughter was another matter entirely. This kid would NOT... SIT... STILL! As soon as you set her down she was off like a rocket. The only way we could get any pictures of her was to set up a triangular human-being corral, with her mother and a grandparent at each corner, and me wandering around the middle and different points along the periphery.
As she ran from person to person, I had to snap pictures, trying to zoom in close enough to capture her alone, without any cars or people or anything else in the background. Our hour-long shoot stretched out to about 3 hours. But in the end, I was thrilled with the outcome, so it was all worth it.
If nothing else, I proved to myself that I can shoot pictures of just about any kid you can hand me.
And anyway, she was cute, so it was worth the whole ordeal!